This was included because the student had trouble understanding the constraints of the problem, specifically that they can only climb 1 or 2 steps at a time.
This was included because the student had trouble understanding how to apply dynamic programming to this problem, specifically how to use the number of ways to climb 'i-1' and 'i-2' steps to calculate the number of ways to climb 'i' steps.
This was included because the student had trouble understanding why they need to create a list of size n+1 if there are n steps.
This was included because the student correctly identified the base cases for the problem, showing that they understand the initial conditions for the dynamic programming solution.
This was included because the student had trouble understanding how to use the number of ways to climb 'i-1' and 'i-2' steps to calculate the number of ways to climb 'i' steps.
This was included because the student was returning the entire dp array instead of the number of distinct ways to climb to the top.